
I am a graphic designer based in Gran Canaria, specializing
in smooth designs for every occasion.
I have always been interested in design, and after initial studies in high school, I enrolled at the University of South-Eastern Norway where I took my bachelor's degree in Visual Communication.
My mission is to deliver smooth designs that mirror what the client envisions. My strong point is that I listen to what the client says, and work around that.
As the story goes, the tortoise win the race against the rabbit. I like to take my time, and I really look into every detail of the work I'm doing.

About me

I'm not the loudest person in the room, but I might be the one that actually are listening to you and your desires for your project.

My goal is to make designs that are user friendly and easy on the eye. Design that reflects both the client and myself.

Do you have a project?

Let me know what you're looking for in a designer.
I'll take a look and see if this could be the start of something beautiful.

Let's Talk