
This project was done during my collaboration with CanTech SL in Gran Canaria. They saw a need for a more efficient and user-friendly system for searching and filtering events, and for purchasing and sale of tickets for both companies and private individuals.

I was set to create their graphic profile, as well as designing the web page.


The idea of Ntradas came as a result of frustration with existing solutions that did not work as they were supposed to.

No new invention here, but a well designed, well programmed and well thought out user experience for people all over the world to use for buying and selling tickets to concerts, events and excursions.

What sets us apart from the competition is a simple but inviting design. We wanted the user to be greeted with a feeling of "pleasant music, subdued lighting and hearty applause", as opposed to the feeling of "factory, squares and high contrast". The experience of the user should be pleasant and motivate to action, not scare them away with a confusing interface and unpleasant design.

You can test the prototype on the right.

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