Effective bidding

This project is linked to users of FINN.no and how they communicate with each other through FINN's messaging service. During the project, FINN was working on exploring what the future messaging service would look like, and we were working on this case in parallel with them. We were briefed on some of the challenges they faced with the messaging service at that time and received follow-up from one of FINN's UX designers.


In order to improve the user experience of the FINN.no messaging service, we have chosen to go for a solution focused on efficiency. We have solved this by introducing a bidding solution in the service. The solution can help make buying and selling processes at FINN go more seamlessly and can contribute to increased trust between buyer and seller.

This project was done in collaboration with Liv-Kristine Emblem Sevatdal & Oda Archer.

You can test the prototype on the right.
